
Read a story for

However Improbable!


If you have any questions, please reach out - HoweverImprobablePod@gmail.com.

However Improbable presents Arthur Conan Doyle’s 56 short stories and four novellas about Sherlock Holmes uniquely in chronological order rather than by publication date. Together, we’ll go on a journey through a three-decades-long friendship as it happened to the characters themselves, from Watson and Holmes’s introduction in A Study in Scarlet through their retirement.

Want to get involved? We’re currently accepting general submissions of interest for our third season. We’re particularly keen on presenting these stories narrated by novel voices that aren’t always heard telling these tales. We encourage people of any ages, genders, and ethnicities to submit!


Contact us by email at HoweverImprobablePod@gmail.com and send a few things our way:

  • Your name, contact information, and a website or CV if you have one,

  • Which stories from this list you’d be most interested in narrating,

  • A demo reel, or links to other narrating, audiobook, or voice acting work if you have that,

  • And an audio sample of your narrating voice! Please send in a short audio sample of yourself reading something with both some prose, and some dialogue. Please read the story in your voice (not an accent). Here’s a link to A Study in Scarlet to get you started - but feel free to send in a sample from any Holmes story or another similar book.

Co-host discretion will ultimately decide story selection and casting, though we take into consideration which stories narrators are most interested in reading. 

Though short stories vary somewhat in length, narrators should expect them to be approximately 40-55 minutes upon completion. Novellas are longer, but will be divided into multiple episodes by chapters. Currently, narration is on volunteer basis—though we hope to compensate readers for their work down the line. We do ask that you have your own recording setup, though audio editing skills are not required.

See Story Order